Saturday, September 20, 2014

News from Japan and design site. Sistership.

It's been a while since our last post so it's time for a little update.  We're still in Japan, about halfway through our stay  here, dreaming about our girl and the work left to get her in the drink.  Still, a lot is happening. First, JP, our faithful welder got bitten hard enough that he bought a boat this spring;  A gorgeous C&C 33.  Probably thought to himself after seeing our project: How much trouble can I really get into? Congrats JP!
Then the design site is updated, as well as a Facebook page.  We're getting ready to have a change of career so we're slowly placing our pawns.  Here's our latest design, a 44ft cruising catamaran:
That's 280 hours of work right there...

On a different note, I've got an interesting email this week from Mark, who's got a sistership to ours, named Ladybug, on Lake Erie.  He kindly gave me permission to show her up here.
Isn't she pretty?
I just love how businesslike these steel boats are.  Rather funny is that when he sent me this picture, I immediately recognized her.  Before we found OneLove, and while actively searching for a Super Disko, various outdated links for a white 1993 model kept popping up and so I had studied her quite intently and was not a little sorry to have missed the chance by a mere few years.  Anyway, here she is... small world.  Which leads me to invite other Super Disko owners in particular, and Caroff owners in general, to write and make contact (I can easily be reached through the design website).

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The design website in online!

a little update to let you know that the Bedard Yacht Design is live.  For now, it is limited to a gallery and blog focused on yacht design but eventually we will sell plans and pre-cut kits. Go check it out!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Little update March 2014

We are writing this post from Tokyo, Japan.  The boat is still in St-Paul but we are at the other end of the world.  We still received some good news a few weeks back:  The centerboard, which JP took to his shop back in October to fill his long winter nights, is done.  Took quite a bit more work than originally expected but it is now repaired and painted, ready for our return in 2015.

In parallel to this, before leaving home back in January, we bought a 1984 Montgomery 17, which is going to be baptized Budwig, just like his predecessor.  For those who have followed this blog since the beginning, you’ll remember that we had in the past a 1974 vintage of the same model, which we sadly parted with on our departure for Australia.  Since the sorrow (…) never really faded, we solved the issue otherwise.  Because, it is great to renovate a sailboat but one needs to navigate a bit too!  And we won’t make the mistake of getting rid of it on our next departure…

3rd subject of the day.  JF’s yacht design studies.  He’s been at it for a long time, since 2006 actually (with a lot of breaks!) but now at the end of module II of Yacht Design Program of the Westlawn Institute of Marine technology.  Each lesson takes from 100 to 200 hours:  Here’s 3D renderings of lesson 17 (an 18ft center console fishing boat), lesson 19 (a 16ft racing skiff) and lesson 20 (a 44ft modern classic cruising ketch).